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Gimcheon Korea Expressway Hi-Pass » rosters ::

Historical names. Gimcheon Korea Expressway Hi-Pass 2017/18 - still. Gyeongbuk Gimcheon Hi-Pass 2015/16 - 2016/17. Seongnam Korea


Gimcheon Korea Expressway Corporation High Pass - NamuWiki

2023年11月5日  In the end, as if this name was too long, in the 2014-15 season, 'Zenith'


Hi-pass - Wikipedia

Hi-pass is the name of a system for the expressways in South Korea that allows motorists to make wireless toll payments, without the need to stop. It uses DSRC (Dedicated Short-Range Communication), allowing for automatic settlement of tolls, by communication between the car terminal and the toll gate equipment.


Volleyball - Seongnam Korea Expressway Zenith Women (Republic

Seongnam Korea Expressway Corporation Hi-Pass Zenith is a Volleyball team from


Seongnam Sports Complex - Wikipedia

The Seongnam Indoor Arena with a capacity for 5,711 spectators was used by a


Korea Expressway Corporation Hi-Pass - Wikiwand

Gimcheon Korea Expressway Corporation Hi-Pass is a South Korean professional

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